Blackcoin Changelogs

v2.13.2.7 (2020-11-24)
- Dust mitigation in mempool (by JJ12880 from Radium Core)
- Compile on MacOS Catalina
- Cross-compile MacOS with Xcode 11.3.1
- Updated dependencies for Windows x64, Linux x64, MacOS, ARM64, ARMv7
- Sign/verify compatibility with legacy clients
- Increased dbcache to 450MB
- Disabled stake cache for now
- Updated fixed seeds for mainnet and testnet
v2.13.2.6 (2020-07-21)
- Fix staking memory leak (by JJ12880 from Radium Core)
- Updated fixed seeds
- Added secondary Blackcoin DNS seeder
v2.13.2.5 (2020-04-28)
- Updated Berkeley DB to 6.2.38
- Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2u
- Updated fixed seeds
- Changed default port on regtest to 35714
v2.13.2.4 (2019-11-11)
- Updated fixed seeds
- Added burn RPC call
- Set default MAX_OP_RETURN_RELAY to 15000
- Removed unit selector from status bar
v2.13.2.3 (2019-04-02)
- Updated fixed seeds
- Some small fixes and refactorings
- Fixed wrongly displayed balances in GUI and RPC
- Added header spam filter (fake stake vulnerability fix)
- Added total balance in RPC call getwalletinfo
v2.13.2.2 (2019-03-10)
- Updated dependencies
- Updated fixed seeds
- Some small fixes and updates
Fixed block spam vulnerability ("fake stake" issue)- Fixed walletpassphrase RPC call (wallet now can be unlocked for staking only)
- Allowed connections from peers with protocol version 60016
- Disabled BIP 152
v2.13.2.1 (2018-12-03)
- Updated to Bitcoin Core 0.13.2
- Some small fixes and updates from Bitcoin Core 0.14.x branch
- Fixed testnet and regtest
- Added Qt 5.9 support for cross-compile
- Added Qt support for ARMv7
- Added out-of-sync modal window (backport of Core's PR8371, PR8802, PR8805, PR8906, PR8985, PR9088, PR9461, PR9462)
- Added support for nested commands and simple value queries in RPC console (backport of Core's PR7783)
- Added abortrescan RPC call (backport of Core's PR10208)
- Added reservebalance RPC call
- Removed SegWit
- Removed replace-by-fee
- Removed address indexes
- Removed relaying of double-spends
- Removed drivechain support using OP_COUNT_ACKS
- Proof-of-stake related code optimized and refactored
v2.12.1.1 (2018-10-01)
- Rebranded to Blackcoin More
- Some small fixes and updates from Bitcoin Core 0.13.x branch
- Added use available balance button in send coins dialog (backport of Core's PR11316)
- Added a button to open the config file in a text editor (backport of Core's PR9890)
- Added uptime RPC call (backport of Core's PR10400)
- Removed P2P alert system (backport of Core's PR7692)
Halo v2.5
- Updated BitBayd to revert staking spam fix which can cause forks
- Added Coingecko price feed as an alternative for when Coinmarketcap changes it's logic
Halo v2.3
- Updated staking logic to solve splits when network is evenly divided trust vs length
Halo v2.2
- Fixed minor issues with balance and spending
- Fixed liquidity bugs from prior versons and added checks
- Fixed some bugs with contracts to work with the peg
- Improved performance of threads
- Improved loading times and performance
- Updated BitBayd
Halo v2.11
- Fixed bugs concerning interaction with API
- Fixed where listfrozen API command wasn't being called
- Added links to PDFs and updated help boxes
- Settings now shows reward values for different stakes
- Minor advance sending improvements
- Made foundation bot
- Added console window
Halo v2.0
- Using mechanize package for better web scraping and form submission
- Fixed fpaste pastebin and instead using
- Fixed memory use issue with bitbayd and storing extra pegdata in RAM
- Fixed price feeds from coinmarketcap
- Updated proxy technique
@janko33bd janko33bd released this on Feb 10, 2018 · 9 commits to Blackcoin-Lore since this release
Donate for further development:
Lore is HD - masterkey can be imported to old walet, payblk, coinomi..
Don't use importwallet to import your wallet! Send it to Lore's wallet
fixed copyright, removed line
cpu normal in windows
added forgotten mac gui wallet
readme updated
testnet is working again
stake cache added
balance fixed in rpc
unlock wallet for staking on rpc walletpassphrase
moved conflicting tx dialog to option -respendnotify
@janko33bd janko33bd released this on Feb 10, 2018 · 9 commits to Blackcoin-Lore since this release
Donate for further development:
Lore is HD - masterkey can be imported to old walet, payblk, coinomi..
Don't use importwallet to import your wallet! Send it to Lore's wallet
fixed copyright, removed line
cpu normal in windows
added forgotten mac gui wallet
readme updated
testnet is working again
stake cache added
balance fixed in rpc
unlock wallet for staking on rpc walletpassphrase
moved conflicting tx dialog to option -respendnotify
@janko33bd janko33bd released this on Jan 19, 2018 · 34 commits to Blackcoin-Lore since this release
support for colored coins transactions
drivechains support
0 confirmation transaction support
Ddos protection against many 0 confirmation transactions
new address style with "blackcoin:" prefix, easy to remember(turned on with option)
fixed memory leaks
staking icon fixed
toggle for unmasking password
wallet refactored
build scripts refactored
new 0.13 RPC
Block builder patches
HD on GUI from 0.14
auto-complete in console
stake balance added to overview page
RPC for malleability detection of standard transaction
Special thanks to
vinceblk, mtjburton
and others.
Final Fee Fix
@janko33bd janko33bd released this on Sep 25, 2017 · 359 commits to Blackcoin-Lore since this release
This release fixes fees when sending more then 1000BLK.
Lore balance fix
@janko33bd janko33bd released this on Jun 29, 2017 · 371 commits to Blackcoin-Lore since this release
This release fixes wrong balance after staking for a while
to correct balance run with option -reindex for example:
lore-qt.exe -reindex
Lore 2
@janko33bd janko33bd released this on Jun 17, 2017 · 375 commits to Blackcoin-Lore since this release
Release Notes:
[DOANTE: BCrzfsBaaBcQs8RRxjuyQbKhT73QD9HiDW]
Hooray! Even more dev's participated, then by the last one.
uses blackcoin.conf as a configuration file
old wallet.dat is incompatible can't be read by Lore
unlock wallet with walletpassphrase,
dumpwallet to txt file from old wallet
encrypt empty Lore wallet, unlock wallet with walletpassphrase,
importwallet txt file from old wallet
automation script for moving coins from old-wallet in progress
fixed a bug, which read bitcoin wallet, instead of lore
more executables: lore-cli, lore-tx, lored, wallet-utility and lore-qt
osx, win32, win64, arm binaries(need more than 1024MB swap), support for linux
Blackcoin Lore
@janko33bd janko33bd released this on May 31, 2017
Many Thanks to:
JohnDolittle -
blackstat -
Testing: PatCrypt -
Donate: BHrfSLCGNLLJHMhE3AQsNsnk2giaG78wjy
Rat4 didn't write good release notes...