Stop The War
This user, who has been writing to OP_RETURN while staking for a while, has added a message of peace to the Blackcoin Blockchain at block 3901020.
Little Ball Pinball - Local Tournament - "CLASS OF 1812"
A local tournament organized by @LittleBallPimball (Instagram) & @BlackcoinBsAs (Twitter)
How to recover missing Blackcoin
Occasionally if the power goes out, your computer crashes, or something else weird happens - your balance may appear incorrectly.
Blackcoin Default Data Directories
If you are looking for the folder that contains your blackmore.conf and wallet.dat - look no further! Default data directories are listed below, for both Blackcoin Legacy and Blackcoin More!
Blackcoins for Black Lives
Blackcoin is a decentralized project, and nobody has claimed responsibility, so we can't know who left this anonymous message.
Running blackmore-qt and blackmore-cli at the same time!
People often ask if they can run blackmore-cli with blackmore-qt, you can! It just requires some configuration in the blackmore.conf file:
Using Blackcoin From The Command Line
Using Blackcoin from the command line is not that difficult, but it will take practice, and an understanding of some fundamental tools.
Setup Your Blackcoin Client As A Systemd Service!
If your system restarts, or something causes the client to crash, it will restart automatically. Systemd also offers simple switches for adding security features, as you will see below.
Scripts for using Blackcoin from the Command Line Interface
usage="Usage: blk [ info | stake | latest | dust | past24 ]"
Help with simple development tasks.
This is the branch we are using: `` you can clone the single branch: `git clone --single-branch --branch blackcoin-more-dev blackcoin-more-dev`
Dump and Import Wallet Private Keys
Delete the /path/to/keys.txt file when finished! **Storing private keys in plain text is a security risk!**
Check current block height and compare with block explorer.
Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data represented as a Merkle tree.
A dust attack affects Blackcoin clients since Sept. 2020
If you find your client has been affected, you should be able to bootstrap your Legacy client and reload your wallet.dat.
FAQ: Can I run the More and Legacy clients on the same computer?
If you run one client with the -listen=0 option, and you will be able to run both on the same machine.
Upgrading to Blackcoin-More!
Are you running Blackcoin Lore or the Original Blackcoin client? Read about upgrading here!
Blackcoin Burns
The chain bootstrapping Proof of Burn (PoB) mechanism is not complicated: coins of the original chain are sent an unspendable address, and coins of the new chain are distributed proportionately.
播下种子 - Plant A (Blackcoin) Seed
“播下种子”到底是什么? What is "plant a seed" all about?
Blackcoin More Client v2.13.2.5-4e9af875c9
We upgraded to this version in order to fix the "missing utxos" issue some people were experiencing. The amount of BLK showing in the wallet was not correct, when compared to an online block explorer. Please read everything below BEFORE upgrading.
What is Blackcoin (BLK), the “currency”?
Like Bitcoin (BTC), Blackcoin (BLK) is traded as a commodity in the USA. So, what exactly is traded? First, you must understand that "Blackcoin" designates three different things: 1. The Blackcoin Client == the original software that creates the blockchain. 2. The Blockchain == a database [mostly] of Unspent Transaction Outputs ( UTXO ). 3. The Commodity == BLK == some part of a UTXO. Owning Blackcoin (BLK) means owning rights to a string of numbers and letters - a private key - which i
Blackcoin is an anonymous, secure payment system capable of sending transactions in seconds, with certainty that the transaction is immutable within minutes.